Used: douglas brothers reactor, 2500 gal...


Subject: Used: douglas brothers reactor, 2500 gal...
USED: Douglas Brothers reactor, 2500 gal...
USED: Douglas Brothers reactor, 2500 gallon, 316L stainless steel,vertical. 7' diameter x 7' straight side, dished top and bottom.Internal rated 40 psi/FV at 581 deg F, 304L stainless steel 1/2 pipecoil jacket, 5' on straight side and bottom head rated 315 psi at420 deg F. Chemineer agitator, model 1HTN-2, output rpm 56, drivenby a 2hp, 3/60/575 volt, 1150 rpm motor. Openings: top (2) 6", 4", 12", (2)10", 24" manway with cover; 2" center bottom outlet withvalve. 4 side lug moutns.
and the product is still available,