Wind turbine wind energy full time power system 30 kw


Subject: Wind turbine wind energy full time power system 30 kw
Complete kit, Wind Power Turbine Independent Power Station produces more electriciy at lower wind speed than any type of wind turbine on the market today. Yes, much better than Propellor type machines, and queter, with no bird and bat kills like Propellor type Turbines. This is an electrical generation unit you can rely on for years in extreme weather conditions.
Solid 30 kW in a 10 mps or 22 mph wind. Solid and sturdy, no concrete needed for this base, max wind speed 125 mph. Comes with an underground superstructure for better stabilizaton and less harmonic distortion. This Turbine is virtually silent except for a low sounding woshing noise, that you can not hear from a short distance because the wind itself is louder.
This may also be set up as a full time Independent Power Station Full w/ Time Power Production from Storage Batteries, Gas Power Generator or Wind and Grid Tie Inverter, for an additional $100K.
Many other features to many to describe. email seller for more info. Reliable Green Power.