Turfco f-12 walk topdresser golf turf lawn equipment


Subject: Turfco f-12 walk topdresser golf turf lawn equipment
Turfco F-12 Walk Topdresser Golf Turf Lawn Equipment
Fine turf management now includes top dressing as an indispensable part of an overall program. For top dressing to be effective, it needs to be applied properly and uniformly. Just spreading material around no longer produces the desired turf quality.
Topdressing helps accomplish several benefits including smoothing, controlling thatch, modifying the surface soil, aiding in renovating and overseeding and protecting the greens in the winter. Greens that are consistently topdressed are more likely to recover from ball mark damage and are easier to repair. Whether you require light, frequent topdressing for routine maintenance or heavy topdressing during aeration, these topdressers provide a solution to fit your needs.
This Walk Topdresser has a new clutch. Is in excellent working condition.
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