This Cincinnati laser is here in our Milwaukee showroom and can be seen under power. This low hour "slab style" 2500 watt resonator cuts faster on lighter gages than most higher wattage machines. The 3 axis linear drive system makes it one of the fastest machines on the market. This dual pallet laser can handle sheets up to 5' X 10'? We can assist with transportation, rigging, installation, software and training. More pictures at ((1) PRE OWNED 2000 CINCINNATI FAST PACK CL707 LASER CENTER MAXIMUM SHEET SIZE 5’ X 10’ MAXIMUM POSITIONING SPEEDS 10,000 INCHES PER MINUTE CINCINNATI 32 BIT CNC CONTROLS HIGH RESOLUTION 14 SVGA 14 COLOR CRT MONITOR UNLIMITED BACKGROUND EDIT CAPABILITIES HIGH SPEED LINEAR BRUSHLESS MOTORS NEW 2006 ROFIN SINAR MODEL DC025, 2500 WATT SLAB RESONATOR DYNAMIC POWER CONTROL AUTOMATICALLY SLOWING THE MACHINE WHILE CORNERING RIGID STEEL FRAME CONSTRUCTION AUTOMATIC LUBRICATION ON X AND Y AXIS’ NON-CONTACT BREAK AWAY HEAD W/ 7 ½ LENSES PROGRAMMABLE HIGH PRESSURE ASSIST GAS |