"LECROY" WAVESTATION 400 Ms/s LW420 ARBITRARY WAVEFORM GENERATOR I powers up the unit and it passed all the self test as shown in the photographs. Self calibration also passed. Will sell the equipment "as-is" conditions. Some description of the equipment (Please do some research yourself): * Pulse, (period) 20 ns - maximum memory Waveform Output Characteristics * Output Impedance: 50 ohm, ± 5% * Minimum Output Voltage: 10 mV p-p into 50 ohms * Maximum Output Voltage: 10 V p-p into 50 ohms * Offset Voltage Range: ±5 V into 50 ohm * Maximum Sample Rate: 400 MS/second * Trigger Input Impedance: 50 ohm ± 5% * Trigger Modes: Continuous, Single, Burst, Gated Manual, External, GPIB Arbitrary Functions Standard Functions * Sine, Square, Triangle, Ramp, Pulse, DC, * Waveform import from digital oscilloscope or floppy disk * Waveform Feature Time Resolution: 100 ps * Available Memory: 256k/channel standard, 1M Optional * Minimum Segment Length: 64 pts * Maximum Segment Length: Up to available memory * Number of Links: 512 for 256k memory, 2048 for 1M memory * Auxiliary Inputs: External Reference: 10 MHz reference * Auxiliary Outputs: 10 MHz reference * Timing Marker: 1 bit of memory up to 128 transitions definable, one per channel * Output Levels: ECL or TTL levels * Protection: Outputs are protected to ± 5V * Digital Output: Channel 1 only, 8 bits * Noise/Out: From rear panel BNC connectors * Programmability: GPIB IEEE 488.2 compatible. Compliant with SCPI programming language. |