Hp agilent 8702B 3GHZ lightwave component analyzer


Subject: Hp agilent 8702B 3GHZ lightwave component analyzer
HP Agilent 8702B 3GHz Lightwave Component Analyzer
The HP Agilent 8702B 3GHz Lightwave Component Analyzer measures each of the transmission elements of a high-speed fiber optic system.
* This unit features calibrated frequency response measurements of fiber optic components, and has a measurement range of 300 kHz to 3GHz.
* The frequency and wavelength are determined by an external source and receiver module. Transducers (lightwave source and receivers) allow it to operate at 850, 1300, and 1550nm.
* The time domain measurement capability is standard with this system.
Used, in good working condition
* SmartechConsulting.com offers 30 days warranty.
17155 Von Karman Ave, Suite 102, Irvine, CA. 92614