Hp E5574A optical loss analyzer


Subject: Hp E5574A optical loss analyzer
HP E5574A Optical Loss Analyzer.
±0.005 dB polarization dependent loss accuracy
±2.2% absolute power accuracy
built-in fiber based polarization controller can cover all states of polarization
The E5574A optical loss analyzer offered the capability to measure the following quantities: Insertion Loss, Polarization Dependent Loss, and Return Loss.
The E5574A optical loss analyzer is a complete solution for the loss/gain characterization of active and passive optical components. At the touch of a button you can select different measurement functions such as Coupler Test; Return Loss; Power Meter; etc. - all together in one affordable instrument. It is especially optimized for polarization dependent and gain measurements.
Optical Loss Analyzer Options 015/022
Tested and in good working condition. However, it needs a fiber connector on the external Singlemode cable.
Warranty: Against DOA. 7 days ROR. Our 7 days guarantee against DEAD ON ARRIVAL does not guarantee for compatibility.
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