* EG&G PRINCETON APPLIED RESEARCH MODEL 124A LOCK-IN AMPLIFIER * MODEL 118 DIFFERENTIAL PREAMPLIFIER INSTALLED ($1800.00 OPTION 99) * Measures the RMS amplitude and phase of weak signals buried in noise * Measure signals in picovolts up to 500 millivolts quickly and precisely * 2.0 Hz to 210 kHz frequency range * Meter and voltage outputs are provided for the amplitude * Phase of the signal may be read from dial * Measurements are with reference to a synchronizing signal supplied to unit * External or External f/2 mode: instrument accepts any reference waveform that crosses its mean twice each cycle, and will lock to track that signal over a 100:1 frequency range * Internal mode: frequency is determined by front-panel dials or by an externally derived voltage * Preamplifiers (sold separately) provide optimum low noise performance over a wide range of input frequencies and source resistances |