Mazak cnc vertical machining centers v-15D under power


Subject: Mazak cnc vertical machining centers v-15D under power
You are invited to purchase or "MAKE YOUR BEST OFFER" on a Mazak CNC Vertical Machining Center Model V-15D in a "Good Running Order".
We additionally have another two (2) Mazak V-15D's (1979) and a Mazak VQC-20/40B CNC Vertical Machining Center available at the same location and all three (3) including a Miltronics Partner 1 and Sodik CNC Ram Type EDM Machine can be purchased in one (1) lot at considerably cost savings!!
Serial Number: 42414/Second Machine M 10564
Travels: X = 80" Y = 30" Z = 30"
Automatic Tool Changer Capacity 24 Toolholders
Condition: Presently under power and rebuilt in 1990 and spindle motor rebuilt 2000.
Machine located in Cincinnati, Ohio and can be inspected under power by appointment.
We thank you in advance for your interest in this item and should you have any questions please feel free to ask them of us and we will try to answer them.