Hp agilent 83440B lightwave converter


Subject: Hp agilent 83440B lightwave converter
HP Agilent 83440B Lightwave Converter
The Agilent 83440B features hermetically sealed, unamplified InGaAs photodiodes. Input port has universal optical interface that is compatible with most optical connectors (9/125 um fiber).
* Fast 73 ps Full-Width Half-Max (FWHM) pulse response
* Broad 6 GHz bandwidth (3 dB opt)
* Ideal for high-speed digitizing oscilloscopes
Condition: Excellent Working Condition.
Warranty: Against DOA. 7 days ROR.
Our 7 days guarantee against DEAD ON ARRIVAL does not guarantee for compatibility.
If item(s) is listed “AS-IS”, there are absolutely no return, no refund, or no exchange.