Bush hog 7' SQ84-tr squealer/twin spindle rotary cutter


Subject: Bush hog 7' SQ84-tr squealer/twin spindle rotary cutter
Twin Spindle- 7' SQ84 Squealer Series
Standard Equipment & Specifications:
Cutting Capacity: 1-1/2" diameter
Hitch- Category 1 with 9" Offset
Side Bands: 7-3/8" x 11 Gauge Steel
Gearbox: Main: 60HP, 1:1.85 - Outboard: 45 HP, 1.1
Recommended Tractor HP: 35 to 50 (PTO)
1. Lot Cam: http://corriherptz.axiscam.net:9552/
2. Showroom: http://corrihershowroom.axiscam.net:9554/
3. Lower Lot: http://lowerlot.axiscam.net:9553/
4. 3-Bay Service: http://corrihertractors.axiscam.net:9550/
5. Service Cam: http://corrihershopcam.axiscam.net:9551/