UNIVERSAL AUTOMATIC 8 STATION CNC ROTARY TRANSFER MACHINE WITH 180 DEGREE INDEX FIXTURES Spindle speed 6000 RPM 2 HP Heads Station #2: Hydraulic feed head Station #3: 3-Axis CNC programmable head Station #4: Hydraulic feed head Station #5: Hydraulic feed head Station #6: 3-Axis CNC programmable head Station #7: 3-Axis CNC programmable head Indamat MT CNC controls with graphical interface, tooled for small aluminum case, S/N 3293, AM806 The rotary transfer table is a hydraulically powered curvic coupling table. Fixtures have 180 deg. rotation in station #5 and #8. Station #5 rotates the fixture, #6 & #7 work the back, and #8 returns the part back for unload and reloading. The input conveyor moves the parts into location for pick-up by the machine loading mechanism. The loader will pick the part from the conveyor and place it into an awaiting fixture on the rotary transfer (index) table. The machine will move the part sequentially to each processing station for machining. In order to process both sides of the part, there are two rotation stations that will lift and rotate the fixture 180 deg. for further processing or to unload. The completed parts are automatically unloaded and placed on an output conveyor. |