BROTHER MODEL TC229N CNC DRILLING & TAPPING CENTER Table working surface 23.6" x 11.8" Maximum load on table 330 lbs. Table longitudonal movement (X-axis) 18.9" Table crosswise movement (Y-axis) 14.2" Distance from table top to spindle nose end 7" - 17.7" Spindle speed (max.) 10,0000 RPM Max. spindle speed in tapping 6,000 RPM Cutting feedrate, X, Y, and Z-Axis 0.2-393.7 IPM Manual feedrate, X, Y, and Z-Axis 1.97-196.9 IPM (22 Steps) Rapid traverse, X and Y-Axis 1417.3 IPM Rapid traverse, Z-Axis 1181.1 IPM Automatic tool changer 14 Tools Tool changing time (tool to tool) 1.2 Sec. Tool changing time (chip to chip) 2.3 Sec. |